Samlex 5W Battery Maintainer Portable SunCharger
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5W Battery Maintainer Portable SunCharger
The SC-05 SunCharger maintains the charge in any 12V battery using energy from the sun. Panel connects through 12V power plug or directly to battery with ring terminals.
Perfect for battery maintenance when your car, boat, truck, ATV or RV is in storage.
We offer on the water Face-Time calls for product install, setup & graph tuning for side-Imaging, down-imaging & livescope! I took this side scan image 4 years ago.
How many fish do you count?
Never trust a skinny chef. My staff & I are all believers in the product we sell & USE. Whether it’s weekends at the lake, Wednesday night derbys, or the Bassmaster Elite Series. We've got you covered. We pride ourselves on answering the phone & providing you excellent customer service.