This is our NEW Quick Detach Plate and upright for our SeeFish Transducer Mount 2.0 . Your existing 2.0 arm will mount directly in this. This will allow you to remove the upright piece off of your deck if you are not using it to have a much cleaner and safer deck to walk on.
Rates from 0%-36% APR. Payment options through Shop Pay Installments, are subject to an eligibility check and are provided by these lending partners: Options depend on your purchase amount, and a down payment may be required. State notices to consumers
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School of Large Mouth on side imaging
We offer on the water Face-Time calls for product install, setup & graph tuning for side-Imaging, down-imaging & livescope! I took this side scan image 4 years ago.
How many fish do you count?
Lets get it straight, we’re anglers first..
Never trust a skinny chef. My staff & I are all believers in the product we sell & USE. Whether it’s weekends at the lake, Wednesday night derbys, or the Bassmaster Elite Series. We've got you covered. We pride ourselves on answering the phone & providing you excellent customer service.